Monday, January 31, 2005

Bettas & Flexibacter

Having lost a previously healthy male (had him almost a month) & a new female (yes - both in contact) .. did some additional research; and evidence (by observation & events) may lead to Flexibacter.

This is the name given a negative bacterium present in ordinary tap water ..which can incubate quickly with sudden temperature rises and thrive on surplus aquarium food -even though the water is routinely cleaned or filtered.
It can sometimes cause the fungus-like growth & anti-fungal agents can help. It is harmless to humans.

In my case, there was no sudden temperature rise - but the tank had been raised slowly to 78-80F ...
No overfeeding ... but a companion Tetra Tropical Fish product for tank companions (a granualar formula) was periodically ingested and spit out (regurgitated) by the Bettas. This was cleaned almost daily for the two days until it was stopped - but it can provide the 'fuel' for Flexibacter.

Therapies are recommended in the links below .. .one might also consider 'Betta stress' effected by new mates - other fish tank mates etc .. and for that Melaleuca as a calming and anti-stress agent is still commended. The antibacterials referred include tetracycline. (Adjust carbon filters of course).
The Flexbacter factor should also be watched when raising fry - even in 'clean tanks' - best guess -a mix of Betta stress .. and a 'leaving' of minor dropping like food regurgitates to the Corydoras cat on an aquarium flor may be too mush. Syphon them out and partly change water & avoid that food type in the Betta tank.

Betta pellet foods are less a problem unless regurgitated - though some are occasionally possible causes of Betta constipation. For that remember the Epsom Salt remedy (separate fish in some of its tank's water and add Epsom Salt - magnesium sulfate- at the rate of 1 Tbs to one gallon .. and let the fish bathe for 15 minutes in it. repeat it daily if the fish does not expurgate itself.

Flexibacter information generally from the following on-line articles.

Flippers & Fins FlexiBacter article Flexibacter article

Female Betta Status

Bad luck again ... the female Betta died - possibly due to 'Betta stress'? She has been replaced with another healthy female ..also from 'Dave's Soda & Pet City' and will be [DSPC-FW-WhiteFin-BlueOutine FanTail 2].
She was introduced to the male .. they have noticed each other .. he appears to be bubble nest site exploring ..she is learning the aquarium common to them which includes a Cory cat & an Otocinculus catfish .. The aquarium has plenty of refuges.

The male's reaction at first sighting -she was separated while aclimitizing in a clear plastic bag, was curiosity ..then challenge with flrared gills and puffery .. after her release to the tank .. they approached and parted without contest, and he began searching leaves on the surface as if plotting a nest. No immediate chase .. or fighting encountered .. she also has not displayed a mating response (vertical bars).
They will stay in this tank .. and we'll see the outcome of either a spawning or perpetuated disinterest. She may be substituted by other females .. and the male will be watched for nest building and other signs of a spawning interest .. and he too may be substituted.

Sunday, January 30, 2005

Betta Male Status

Red Betta Male [WM-RFT_M 1] died suddenly overnight .. after introducing a female .. she was more his size, and after first parrying .. she avoided him. Both alternated hiding - occasionally in her refuge -- but no nest building or sign of spawning interest.

Sadly - he alone developed a non-slowing case of cottony fungus - more like a relax of his mucus generation (his slime) ..whhc occasionally invites that cottony fungus or linting effect. It was a minor case - he displayed no debility but in the loo department. A treatment for fungus was tank applied (since he showed it after other fish were with him) .. but the male betta was the sole apparent inflictee. Treated seemingly successfully - the traces receded .. but he appeared upside down and dead with no fungus.
When that happens - another approach is to treat with Maleaca - the general fish slime treatment .. also marketed as 'Betta Care'. Bettas occasionally display a stress reaction which can cause a short-term fungus-like look - and the Maleaca permits them to replenish the slime and shrug the fungus. Always sounds rather like an anthlete's stress bronchial syndrome - so maybe the female was too much for him. Dropsy also may happen - actually 'droopsy'.

He has been replaced by a tourquoise and aquamarine-red fan-tail male from Dave's. (DSPC-FTM-1) .. .the female at this time is well and separated. Their diet is being upped with bloodworms [freeze-dried]

Until the male shows a nesting interest and the female readies, the 40 L tank has been adjusted with a power fiter - if a spawning occurs .. the nest and fry will be conserved by a sponge filter (to avoid excessively disturbing the water surface & to avert filtering eggs or newborn into the filter trap).

Betta Links & Info about Bettas here info about betta-female
Betta Bubble Aquarium Fish .Net Betta Pages
The link above shows Bettas raised and kept in cups for sale. [My first betta's were 'cup' raised for the pet store market & purchased in good health at WalMart ]
The Betta Cave you'll love this guy's cave & betta raising
Betta Crazed excellent for betta care & also betta genetics
Just Bettas BC Betta more about spawning at this page
Auaria-Web Bettas
more about spawning here
Ritter article Betta splendans
- references betta color perception
dave's Betta FAQ's
Betta Illnesses
International Betta Congress
Bettas are also raised for fighting only - links:
First Blood Bettas PlakatThai actual fighting breed fish (not for looks only) igbetta Chia Bettas Match Bettas Fighter Betta
Betta Foods
Brine Shrimp Direct
Tetra Fish

Friday, January 28, 2005

New Female Betta

New female Betta has been acquired to pair with this male. She is much larger, almost his size, and aquarmarine & red. Rather than keep them separate, they have been placed in the same tank again, along with a return of an Otocinculus and a Corydoras aeneus albino catfish. Male Betta has accepted them all - the two catfish help keep the tank cleaner, and do not bother him now. Female Betta was of interest, and again plays cat & mouse - but does not show a current readyness to spawn . but occasionally flashed hints of her vertical bars.
She is behaving as the other did - but older and larger. Male Betta was not 'tantalized' and has yet to show an interest in nest building - though he does not ignore her. � No injury to either fish, nor fight .. both have a few hiding places in the 10 gal 40 L tank.
Unless he fights or appears not to want her as a tank mate - she will ready herself there. More readied and serious breeders would tantalize the male to push a particularized pair to mate.

The female was purchased locally at Agawam's 'locally famous' Dave's Soda & Pet City .. he had a supply newly in this week - her cost is $2.69. She, hence, will be DSPC-Aqua-Red FanTail Female I (DSPCAQRFTF-I).
More Betta info and links at href=>AQUARIUM

Betta Spawning

Male betta remains in fine form, and another female or two will be obtained.
As a re-publication, the following is a chronicle of a lay hobbyists initial experience with a Betta Splendans pair. NB: the pair were separately purchased.

Betta Mating & Spawning Behavior from 01-07-05
This chronicle of a Betta splendans pair spawning was first published at: Its author, this blgger, re-publishes it here.
Observed preliminary mating behavior :: female introduced - male observed her casually while in separation - after barrier removed (plastic bag) male displayed fins and gills & female fled to the bottom of the tank under the rock and tilted filter bottom. She has periodically surfaced evading the male -- and he prowls the rock for her when she returns to her refuge. [01-07-05]
Betta female periodically swims about the top .. then stands about 10 inches from the male's position ... then she swims slowly away as the male approaches and then darts like a torpedo to the tank bottom or the other side, returning to a hiding place under the rock or filter. Female coloration: when introduced ivory-gold .. after sighting and playing chase with the male she displayed a florid red filigree (ie red-gilt damascene) .. still no embrace - but longer outings ...
Betta female color has changed from ivory-gold with red filigree to fuller red outline in fins and silhouette - with irridesence and turquoise mid-line. She hides less .. and appears to flirt -still evading 'capture' but staying closer at times. Male alternates aloof stance with awaiting her at her hiding place. He has not commenced a 'nest' - but she behaves more invitingly. [ courtship almost reciprcated ]. � ( half end of a filtered/aerated tank [enjoyed] has floating plants & water still enough for 'nest' )
Male Betta (WMRSTM-1) has begun building a bubble nest for the female (WMVSTF-1). Both in a courting ritual have been closing on each without an embrace. The female, now with a mixed red outline and varied blue mid-section is actually enlarging inhe abdomen. The chase is still on .. but the female comes alone to look at the nest or draws near with the male watching.
Originally expected the male to use a 'boom' of floating plants to contain a nest bubble -but he made no effort. Then today, two floating large (5cm) begonia leaves enticed him to attempt to build, but they were not totally flat and too convex at the water surface (did not appear to capture air bubbles free from a wash out). So I cut the bottom from a small styrofoam dessert dish (about 3 inches (6-7 cm) in diameter with a small circumferential lip. It sits flat with a slight concave 'dome' over the water; it is 'coralled' in his chosen preferred slower water corner of the tank; and he is filling it with air bubbles. The female, started alabaster-yellow is more florid part-red as described; and periodically comes to look -or when alone behaves as if contributing a bubble.
(The bubble nest will hold the eggs when fertilized -as betta rasiers know).
Somethng behaving like a flat leaf to protect the nest for eggs is needed. Many breeders (referenced on-line) use a piece of styrofoam cup ... some in Asia may also use a leaf or two as I tried -which dodrwa the fish' interest -but must lay semi-dry flat or concave (dome) over the surface.
WMRSTM-1=WalMart Red single-tail male #1
WMVSTF-1=WalMart Varicolored single-tail female #1
Tank II 20% water change
Betta nest secured to quiet corner - is being refilled with bubbles by male (bubbles dislodged with water level reduction) Female variant in color - fattening & interested Water adjustment now to avoid during spawning & to refresh Tank - filtration good heat : 80 F
Male & female still have not spawned.
Female colors have now progressed from the slighlty yellow and white alabaster/ivory when purchased to the red & vari-color as described. � She is now the color of a mottled red-blue-purple in her mid sections with a red fin and silhouette outline. The midsection also now has horizontal lines running the length of the body like a striped bass.
On a few occasions she has shown concentric frontward slanted symmetrical vertical rings or bars on her nid-sction back of the middle.. which bars, as I have read are not omnipresent at start but do appear and indicate an increased interest in spwaning. She also nearly noses the patient male who keeps the bubble nest. � He goes periodically to the opposite tank corner and leaves the female to skirt and see the nest.
The references describe this as normal courting behavior. The female still darts fully away from any fuller male intentions. She is enlarging in the abdomen .. and thus seems to verify that greater visible ovidity is a matter of readying before spawning. She was about half his size at start but has enlarged.
As I have just the pair .. and as she is relaxed in the tank ... they are remaining there with ample refuges for her. � Spawning by their behavior appears anticipated.
The male has begun a periodic � 'pacing' (anthropomorphically presumed) in the bottom half of the tank - but has no vicious attack or posture in him to the female; occasionally flaring at his reflection.
Am anticipating spawing within a few days now as the female is enlarging and displaying what apears to be a mutual & receptive course toward the event. Once again - the vertical bands appear and disappear.
Am waiitng today for male betta reaction to a weather front, now moving through my area. Literature references that as a factor; which I also considered and noted when the pair were introduced. No mating yet ..some of the courtship waltz (ie circling) but no full readiness by the female --but no hostility either. � A first mating is a factor . .her skittishness (running fear) was noted at the start; also her lack of fuller obvious ovidty - but her abdomen has been noticably larger. Today she responded more positively to the flake food option -rtaher than nibble at tank top or bottom to the large betta pellets - [Wardley's Betta food :: a dried blood worms & meal compound etc]. Also the male has relaxed 'nest building & tending' the nest has de-bubbled. Literature states that the nest building and mating are both territorial reactions: reactive to other males; or water changes or variances. Last water change ..which affected the nest resulted in an eager and hasty re-build before present abandon. Female is relaxed and companionable .. by reading-this is also a normal factor with two as a pair - there is no hostility but no mating. Hastening the mating and re-encouraging nest building may come later today when measure the impact of weather barometric pressure; including short-term removal of the female to a community tank; and another tack of bottom cleaning & filter rinse. Also - the male betta is not color-blind .. actually distinguishes color --and is attracted to his own.
My female betta's redding at start from a variant white-yellow, to the present mix od metallic blue-green stripe with gold mid-section countered by red fins and outline may affect short-term interest. Have also read ..that the initial white-yellow color of the female may be a 'stress phenomenon' by reason of shipping or container maintenance [see Just Bettas in the BETTA links table.]
'Java Moss' in the betta tank is growing and floating -- yesterday 01-13-05 was a food source for the female betta - not the plant actually but the infusoria 'java moss' generates (ie microscopoc rotifers etc) - she actually picked over it as if finding and eating crustacea in grass.
Two more helpful breeding links:
Ritter article Betta splendans
- references betta color perception
dave's Betta FAQ's
Male betta is completely indifferent to spawning now - female now is a mixed gold-red-blue midsection with a full red fin and silhouette. Weather system changed to high pressure - betta also receptive & docile to other tank mate - a bottom cleaning Corydoras aeneus albino catfish - to re-induce male 'nest building' & interest - female will be removed for a few days and returned in time for a low pressure system -pending rain/snow storm later this week. Nesting is induced as a form of territorial behavior at right time with a 'ready' female when the male asserts it. Styrofoam has been temporarily reoved and replaced with two large green floating begonia leaves -which invite a a similar canopy.
Notation on male feeding - receiving a standard prepared 'betta' pellet formula which includes ground blood worms & shrimp meal .. the male betta plays a form of 'head ball' ... soccer-style ... with the pellets ... bouncing and corralling them on his nose - moving them and then tossing them up for a gulp.
Female betta was removed [01-16-05] to the community tank for a week or so ..which will give her a continued growth period, and may when re-introduced, re-spark the male to nest building. The community tnak is a mix of peacefule grouping 'serpae tetra' , albino corydoras, and otocinculus suckermouth cats. She is the 'first' and currently only Asian species in the tank ... found her niche and privacy and has adjusted well -same for the other species. Male betta is 'lording' in the tank alone save for a Corydoras Albino cat ... and appears relaxed and spends more time cruising the tank - he has not resumed any nest building - but notes and uses the canopy of floating leaves, and a styrofoam shallow dish (about 8cm :: 3") as optional nest floats/canopies.
Male betta still in separate tank with Otocinculus added to him & Albino Corydoras 'cat' - to check glass algae ... female betta doing well adn adjusted in 'community tank' - growing and enlarging in the abdomen. Her colors have firmed now ..and she retains a materially red-gold look with some blue highlights mid-section & appears to be a 'crown-tail'. The pair may be re-united is week coordinating the full moon & an arriving weather system. [They respond to lows as if optimistic to rain]
This chronicle of this pair and their spawning continues at this Betta Blog RSS-XML Betta

Female betta Status

Female betta died about 19:00 est 01-27-05 .. likely due to either an egg-bound problem or constipation. Epsom salts, if in time, 1 tbs per gallon in de-chlorinated and warmer water (ie 78-80F) as a 15 minutes or so bath, repeated daily for a few days if needed.
Lacking Epsom salts .. a salt - sea salt or Kosher salt which would contain a greater degree of magnesium - but in a weaker formula than Epsom (ie a tsp per gallon) may have some effect.
The maganese sulfate induces a relief of the constipation - which intestinal deposit string should be apparent. Decrease or stop feeding for a day or two.
Bettas with pellet food may sometimes become constipated.
In the case of egg bound female egg layers a similar treatment induces a passing or re-absorption of the eggs if in time.
This betta female had been unready at first attempteed spawning, and was separated to return the male's interest, and to allow her growth. With no signs of constipation or excessive eggbinding until this morning, she may have scented her male from plants or other fish transfered from the spawning tank ..which could have advanced her spawning readiness ... including the reappearing vertical bars.
The fish so affected -either case - may slow its movement, lay on its side, continue breathing [lessened gill and fin function], and would gradually weaken. The slowed metabolism invites other diseases or infection.
To attempt to mate an unready female is unproductive - hence the wait. By all other normal signs she would have been introduced this afternoon.
Another mis-leading sysmtom - a fish hiding at the bottom is sometimes a 'stress' from temperature change or new fish .. but these were ruled out she occasionally mixed and stayed behind a rock. � She did appear as if her egg carrying status were moving her - perhaps a reaction to the male.
At first the mild salt bath appeared to work - but she then returned to the same weakened state .a second mild bath on the prior sucess had no ameliorative effect.
Links for some of the fish illness symptoms are on this page:

Thursday, January 27, 2005

Female status

Female betta, after posting this morning, resumed a retreat in the
community tank next to plants at the tank bottom. About 13:00 est she
was obserevd less active after mid-day feeding. At first thought dead,
she was discerned alive ... still breathing but near motionlessness.
Removed carefully, she responded with movement and was 'jarred' in a
container to revive her. No response to food, and refreshed with an
aerator, but continued to lay on her side breathing. If the term is
appropriate, she appears egg-bound.
So, she was next placed in a container in the spawning tank for warmth
and maintenance. She is separate from the male who with cognizance of
her, has no interest in her. [Same male rejected her before after an
initial interest.]
She has pronounced visible black slanted vertical bars (one on each
side with the impressions of the remaining customary three pair) but
remains on her side occasionally rolli over, and still breathing.
Uknown what her response would be to e relief: ie as for constipation or
an eggbound state - such as an epsom salt solution.
As to mating, by reference to the mating literature, males may reject
females as spawnng mates. She has also been on the smaller side, and is
still almost half his size. Whether she can or will pass eggs and live,
without male embrace is unnown. Stale eggs would be eaten by fish or
left to decay, and not fertilized.

Female interest

Female betta remains in a separate community tank, but is as yesterday
enalrging -ie showing signs of ovidity and the vertical bars more
latently apparent. (She will more visibly display those bars when
spawning in the male's presence .. the bars may also be muscular
developments of her abdomen to help her stain the rigor of the
Their spawning tank -a spartan 40 L (10 gal)- was further readied
yesterday with a graduated temperature raise to 80F (about 25C+ ... and
a cleaning of the tank bottom -which since by syphon vacuum lead to a
50% water change. The water change would also emulate a 'rain
freshening' with the passing weather front.
The tank bottom has two 'small-opening' places for the female size only
to enter and rest or escape a vigourous pursuit (her escape is her
protection until willingly embraced for spawn). [Used a two inch 5cm
piece of PVC pipe about 1.5 cm diameter & a small novelty ceramic
Plants were removed - some floating anacharis and especially java moss
will be returned. Some of those plants, and the Corydoras and the
Otocinculus, which shared the male betta's tank, were moved to the
community tank.
If bettas have a proven sense of smell of chemical percepton to each
other as well as the referenced color enabled sight, then she reacted to
smell or chemical perception of the male on the plants or water with the
other joined fish. First excitedly and amoruoly to one small plant -then
to a second bunch of -planted anacharia -previously floated (in the
spawning tank) - by taking air and then staying on the bottom right next
to the rooted anacharis -almost pining. She is otherwise well and still
swims about -though less in the last 24 hours -maybe a mix of hiding and
anticipation. Were she an ordinary egglaying species - she would appear
almost eggbound -as if readying to lay her eggs; and a bit, newly,
territorial. She still eats normally. She will likely join the male for
a 'tantalus' today.

Wednesday, January 26, 2005

Betta Spawning

The female betta .. still separated is showing more signs of full
adult-hood, including a subtle display of forward slanted vertical bars
-- three, and an enlarging abdomen.
Those are signs of ovidity and readiness to spawn. She may be re-paired
with the male today .. taking advantage of a lwo pressure weather
They do apparently respond to the weather especially at mating time -
possibly a reaction to anticipated tropical rain.

this blog
continues a published chronicle of this betta pairing at this site by
Scott M. Connolly. -- scottmcon

Betta Splendans

Shortly, this blog will chronicle the now - common to many - experience of this bogger in keeping and spawning theworld famous betta splendans the Siamese fighting fish.

Thank you for reading.

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