Sunday, August 21, 2005

Tetra Tank Update

Aquarium cloudiness seems to have been correctly analyzed as a function of increased aeration reviving organics in the tank. It has materially cleared and increases eventually to clarity as the new aeration constancy balances the aquarium's biology.

Another 'tip' to pass along -- in addressing a larger than desired small snail population expansion with the temporary residence of a medium sized 'Comet' goldfish. An adjacent tank with UG filtration rarely sustains any but the largest knuckle sized snails - because the gold fish eat them and constantly work over the gravel. So, he did the work in the 'tetra' tank for about three days - reducing the small snails population by about two-thirds and worked the bottom so efficiently that the catfish followed him around.
Uless you prefer some loaches ..the Comet works fine and looks like a big orange 'platy'.

Speaking of the latter ... the tetra tank has a pair of blue platys - she is about to burst .. and may have already incidently fed some of the tetras.

Four 'neon tetra' - fine for the 40L scale were added last week and they are a happy highlight and mix well as a little school of neon color. (Cardinal tetra - a little large will also do the same).

MACROPODUS -- Paradise Fish - paired in a separate Eclipse-7 have mated (often not seen - I missed it) .. and the male is guarding a culled -reducing jelly mass of eggs which he winnowed last night from three dozen or so to ybe two dozen this morning. The are attached and growing like a 'frogs egg' mass beneath a round piece of styrofoam. His mate still shares the tank -and will until the eggs hatch or agressivity becomes a problem. Culling undeveloped eggs may be a normal attribute ..and the male did this twice before to large displays of froth (spittle) contained eggs. They'll appear more like developing frogs eggs as they grow; and if none develop -they'll start again.
The pair have behaved amorously circling each other as any nest is rebuilt .. after mating, she then avoids him for safety and stands off on the tank's bottom; and he remains aleret to any approach to the nest and eggs. So far none have hatched - and the culling is as in any species in a toss out of 'bad' conceptions.

Sunday, August 14, 2005

Water Cloudiness - Planted Tank

Water Cloudiness - Planted Tank

Have had two weeks now of a normally clear long cycled planted tank sustaining an abnormal water cloudiness after a routinewater refeshing (ie 20-25% change.

Filter is biological-mechanical-chemical, and of course the tank sustains its biological cycle in nitrate elimination.

In effect the tank is behaving like a newer tank's diminished biological organic bacterial elimination state.
The water clears in about 2-3 days - which then thesholds the tank's water refresh cycle -week to ten days average. While awaiting further water chemical analysis -later today .. am concluding that the effect is caused by an increase in aeration (hence oxygenation).
Aeration points with side filter are the same - but a supplemented new air pump for another tank increased aeration in the heavily planted tank.

Hence the water 'refresh'; and the ordinanry 'harvest' of a full layer of 'limnia minor' - 'duckweed'; and the increased light born of greater surface agitation; has increased the oxygenated elimination of the tank's ordinanry quotient of organic bacteria. This planted tanks is behaving similarly to the on/off cloudiness effect of aquaria using CO2 cartridges alternated with aeration (ie day-night applied). Its cloudiness is decreasing & the tanks is adjusting from a lesser powerfully aerated rich water 'semi-green' aquarium; to my preferred planted greater aeration concept.

Fish & plants are otherwise flourishing with no ill effects - main fauna change is a current reduction in a light-induced seasonal rise of 'black algae' ... which is also reduced by a light reduction to lesser lumens(time & intensity).

Water refreshments are normal in my aquarium keeping (for oxygen & toxin reduction with filter address). This can help someone else in experience.
NB an urgency in aesthetic can always be addressed by temporary chemical-biological filter address -- otherwise a casual wait as in the new tank lesser food approach -even where no overfeeding has occurred. Newer & more 'air' has enhanced the oxygen using bacteria which eat the tank's decay in its transition from a slower greener tank.

Will post other observations & results here later -- tank is mainly a S.American fish 'Tetra' family 40L (small biotrope scale) aquarium.

Thursday, August 04, 2005

Macropodus 'Paradise Fish'

Paradaise Fish have been paired in the Eclipse '7' Aquarium ...male has built and lost one bubble nest --the female is alternately receptive and 'shy' ... if successfully mated they will mate like 'betta' and the male will tend the nest.

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