Friday, January 28, 2005

Female betta Status

Female betta died about 19:00 est 01-27-05 .. likely due to either an egg-bound problem or constipation. Epsom salts, if in time, 1 tbs per gallon in de-chlorinated and warmer water (ie 78-80F) as a 15 minutes or so bath, repeated daily for a few days if needed.
Lacking Epsom salts .. a salt - sea salt or Kosher salt which would contain a greater degree of magnesium - but in a weaker formula than Epsom (ie a tsp per gallon) may have some effect.
The maganese sulfate induces a relief of the constipation - which intestinal deposit string should be apparent. Decrease or stop feeding for a day or two.
Bettas with pellet food may sometimes become constipated.
In the case of egg bound female egg layers a similar treatment induces a passing or re-absorption of the eggs if in time.
This betta female had been unready at first attempteed spawning, and was separated to return the male's interest, and to allow her growth. With no signs of constipation or excessive eggbinding until this morning, she may have scented her male from plants or other fish transfered from the spawning tank ..which could have advanced her spawning readiness ... including the reappearing vertical bars.
The fish so affected -either case - may slow its movement, lay on its side, continue breathing [lessened gill and fin function], and would gradually weaken. The slowed metabolism invites other diseases or infection.
To attempt to mate an unready female is unproductive - hence the wait. By all other normal signs she would have been introduced this afternoon.
Another mis-leading sysmtom - a fish hiding at the bottom is sometimes a 'stress' from temperature change or new fish .. but these were ruled out she occasionally mixed and stayed behind a rock. � She did appear as if her egg carrying status were moving her - perhaps a reaction to the male.
At first the mild salt bath appeared to work - but she then returned to the same weakened state .a second mild bath on the prior sucess had no ameliorative effect.
Links for some of the fish illness symptoms are on this page:

thanks for all the info that helps a lot!
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