Sunday, January 30, 2005

Betta Male Status

Red Betta Male [WM-RFT_M 1] died suddenly overnight .. after introducing a female .. she was more his size, and after first parrying .. she avoided him. Both alternated hiding - occasionally in her refuge -- but no nest building or sign of spawning interest.

Sadly - he alone developed a non-slowing case of cottony fungus - more like a relax of his mucus generation (his slime) ..whhc occasionally invites that cottony fungus or linting effect. It was a minor case - he displayed no debility but in the loo department. A treatment for fungus was tank applied (since he showed it after other fish were with him) .. but the male betta was the sole apparent inflictee. Treated seemingly successfully - the traces receded .. but he appeared upside down and dead with no fungus.
When that happens - another approach is to treat with Maleaca - the general fish slime treatment .. also marketed as 'Betta Care'. Bettas occasionally display a stress reaction which can cause a short-term fungus-like look - and the Maleaca permits them to replenish the slime and shrug the fungus. Always sounds rather like an anthlete's stress bronchial syndrome - so maybe the female was too much for him. Dropsy also may happen - actually 'droopsy'.

He has been replaced by a tourquoise and aquamarine-red fan-tail male from Dave's. (DSPC-FTM-1) .. .the female at this time is well and separated. Their diet is being upped with bloodworms [freeze-dried]

Until the male shows a nesting interest and the female readies, the 40 L tank has been adjusted with a power fiter - if a spawning occurs .. the nest and fry will be conserved by a sponge filter (to avoid excessively disturbing the water surface & to avert filtering eggs or newborn into the filter trap).

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