Sunday, September 25, 2005

Paradise Fish Breeding -Fry Day 4

Breeding -- Fry
Day 4

Male is still watching nest and contributing bubbles as if to corral or supplement the young fry with air.
Some fry swim actively --- the same which hatched earlier. At this stage, as labyrinth --they are still developing their lungs; and fins. Most float at the surface like resting translucent gnats with small comma tails. Size about 1/16; 20-30 mm.
As some yet die they will sink or float in the middle current of the tank surface.

Am keeping temperature about 68-70, as for the adults - the fluctuation is from 'lights-off' night cooling.

Fry have been fed a fine powdered fish food -- will be fed some micro-food or other powdered food. Male is ambivalent about eating --and is un-aggressive to fry --but highly guarding/tending as a group.
Fry swim to food and consume like a school then return to still - unless developed to dive and touch surface.

Water has a slight roil and flow from a slowed Marineland filter (siphon foamed as well to reduce flow and avert trapping fry). An occasional tumble or swirl sends live fry scrambling back to surface and still corners of the tank - or to some hornwort.
An impression of dead fry when in still water disappears with small food amounts or a light stir of the water --they swim around - not just moved by the surface elasticity.

Not yet frenetic --the male watches as if watching gnats on the surface; throws more bubbles for a 'corral' or 'nursery' on the surface. He will be removed to another tank in a few days.

Filter is keeping water clear -- there is a little bottom cleaning -- some gravel and smooth black 'river stones' of medium size; and the Ramshorn snail. Were I more professional in spawning & raising -- only the black stones (as for Betta) might be in the tank; and no snail. For now -- there appear to be no problems ... the fry are increased by half to double. Count probably two to three dozen -possibly more.

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