Monday, September 26, 2005

Macropodus -Paradise Fish 'Fry' Day 5

Day 5 - Paradise Fish 'fry'

Fry remain mixedly active & still.
From an heredity - evolution stand-point; the stillness may also be an evasivity technique (to avoid being eaten). They are rather like mosquito larvae. Size is increasing slightly; and they still eat with activity, and swim. Oddly --some are highly prolific after (and even before) five days and dive and swim more actively. Others behave as the literature for 'betta' fry and 'macropodus' fry are described - they stay at the water surface breathing -developing their lungs & grow -consuming their remaining egg sac or water top foods.

Most have no visible egg sac now -- just a small black tail and translucent bodies .. about 30 mm & growing - some now 35-40 mm (almost 1/8th inch). Food has been powdered fish food and powdered freeze-dried bloodworms. That dissolved in water was less receptive than that dropped dry on the water. (Grind it to powder from flakes or freeze-dried form in your palm or a spoon with your fingers - have been feeding twice daily about a quarter teaspoon - no over feeding or water fouling - have not used frozen food for these fry - but warm to room temperature before feeding.)

The male 'father' is still alert and watchful; he will be removed likely tomorrow. He is not eating the fry; eats other fish food; and stil throws bubbles as if to protect the fry from a current or to provide oxygen for them.
I may have mis-obserevd -- but he has appeared as if to eat one or two -- but has then blown a bubble and a fry or two (live) appear added to the 'back nursery'. He also twice today appeared to regurgatate some food into the nursery with the fry, as if to provide a ready 'soft' food source.

Have re-checked a 'betta' guide or too - they are both air-breathing fish with bubble nests. Fry are proceeding similarly. Most 'betta' breeders are anxious at this state and have removed the male -- but this paradise fish male appears a doting and benign parent.

The aquarium is filtering well & slowly; the water will have a partial 'freshening' in a day or too -- but is otherwise good. Heat is 'room temperature' about 68-71 F - cooling slightly naturally at night with no abrupt changes. Once again -they tolerate and actually prefer cooler temperatures unlike the 'betta' -which will also aid 'jarring'. Plan to raise the fry for a month or so in the "Eclipse' aquarium and then move them to larger quarters.
'Cupping' is pfereable to netting .. and water willbe removed with a small gentle siphon. Because my filter intake is 'sponged' the water has a slow current but is clear; and the bottom is not excessively 'funky' as with ordinary sponge filters. In addressing other aquarium cleaning like the glass and water changes - the fry are living primarily in the surface strata - and one needs simply to gently siphon from the tank bottom - if worried, a fine net immersed in the receiving water bucket can save any 'siphoned' fry.

Am assuming that after the male is gone -- and no other fish appear - the fry will have developed enough to swim and do so, even if this exposes them. The male regards without harm the early swimmers ... and firmly 'shepards' the others which remain less motile in the 'nursery'.

Male is blue with red stripes -- female is dark army green with a red fringe and reddish tail (rather like the 'Chinese' or 'Indian' Paradise Fish variant).


Macropodus Links -- a few more with photographs -- breeding - spawning - fry - nests etc.

Aqualand site -Macropodus Opercularis - Care & Breeding
Macropodus Opercularis Care & Breeding [UK site] Goldfish Bowl - especially for coldwater fish
Macropodus Care & Breeding - from Aquaworld -- this species darker Chinese-Indian variety -- macropodus cupana

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