Sunday, August 14, 2005

Water Cloudiness - Planted Tank

Water Cloudiness - Planted Tank

Have had two weeks now of a normally clear long cycled planted tank sustaining an abnormal water cloudiness after a routinewater refeshing (ie 20-25% change.

Filter is biological-mechanical-chemical, and of course the tank sustains its biological cycle in nitrate elimination.

In effect the tank is behaving like a newer tank's diminished biological organic bacterial elimination state.
The water clears in about 2-3 days - which then thesholds the tank's water refresh cycle -week to ten days average. While awaiting further water chemical analysis -later today .. am concluding that the effect is caused by an increase in aeration (hence oxygenation).
Aeration points with side filter are the same - but a supplemented new air pump for another tank increased aeration in the heavily planted tank.

Hence the water 'refresh'; and the ordinanry 'harvest' of a full layer of 'limnia minor' - 'duckweed'; and the increased light born of greater surface agitation; has increased the oxygenated elimination of the tank's ordinanry quotient of organic bacteria. This planted tanks is behaving similarly to the on/off cloudiness effect of aquaria using CO2 cartridges alternated with aeration (ie day-night applied). Its cloudiness is decreasing & the tanks is adjusting from a lesser powerfully aerated rich water 'semi-green' aquarium; to my preferred planted greater aeration concept.

Fish & plants are otherwise flourishing with no ill effects - main fauna change is a current reduction in a light-induced seasonal rise of 'black algae' ... which is also reduced by a light reduction to lesser lumens(time & intensity).

Water refreshments are normal in my aquarium keeping (for oxygen & toxin reduction with filter address). This can help someone else in experience.
NB an urgency in aesthetic can always be addressed by temporary chemical-biological filter address -- otherwise a casual wait as in the new tank lesser food approach -even where no overfeeding has occurred. Newer & more 'air' has enhanced the oxygen using bacteria which eat the tank's decay in its transition from a slower greener tank.

Will post other observations & results here later -- tank is mainly a S.American fish 'Tetra' family 40L (small biotrope scale) aquarium.

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